
主頁 > 知識庫 > Perl中的符號 -;;、=;; 和 :: 分別表示什么意思?

Perl中的符號 -;;、=;; 和 :: 分別表示什么意思?

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What do the ->, => and :: symbols mean?

  The -> is the "infix dereference operator". In other words it is the means by which one calls a sub with a pass by reference (among other things you can do with ->). As stated above most things in calls to perl/Tk routines are passed by reference. The -> is used in perl just as in C or C++. (Most of the widget primitives are elements of the Tk:: "perl class".) A simple example of dereferencing would be: $x = { def => bar }; # $x is a reference to an anon. hash print $x->{def},"/n"; # prints ``bar''

  Note that in the case of calling perl/Tk subs there may be more than one way to call by reference. Compare my($top) = MainWindow->new;

  with my($top) = new MainWindow;

  But in general you will be making extensive use of calls like: $top -> Widge-type;

  There is a clear and succint discussion of references, dereferences, and even closures in man perlref(1) or see the perl 5 info page at: http://www.metronet.com/perlinfo/perl5.html

  The use of the => operator is quite common in perl/Tk scripts. Quoting from man perlop(1):

  The => digraph is simply a synonym for the comma operator. It's useful for documenting arguments that come in pairs.

  You could say that => is used for aesthetic or organizational reasons. Note in the following how hard it is to keep track of whether or not every -option has an argument: $query -> Button(-in,/$reply,-side,'left',-padx,2m,-pady, 2m,-ipadx,2m,-ipady,1m)->pack(-side,'bottom');

  As opposed to: $query ->Button( -in => /$reply, -side => 'left', -padx => 2m, -pady => 2m, -ipadx => 2m, -ipady => 1m )->pack(-side => 'bottom');

  By the way if you wanted the numeric "greater than or equal" you would use >= not =>.

  While the :: symbol can be thought of as similar to the period in a C struct, it is much more akin to the :: class scope operator in C++: a.b.c; /* something in C */ a::b::c(); // function in C++ $a::b::c; # a scalar in Perl 5 @a::b::c; # a list in Perl 5 %a::b::c; # an associative array or "hash" in Perl 5 a::b::c; # a function in Perl 5

  It is also analogous to the single forward quotation mark in perl 4: $main'foo; # a $foo scalar in perl 4 $main::foo; # a $foo scalar in Perl 5

  For backward compatibility perl 5 allows you to refer to $main'foo but $main::foo is recommended.



  ‘- >'符號是“插入式解引用操作符”(infix dereference operator)。換句話說,它是調用由引用傳遞參數的子程序的方法(當然,還有其它的作用)。正如我們上面所提到的,在調用Perl/Tk的函數的時候,大部分參數都是通過引用傳遞的。Perl中的‘->'功能就和它們在C或C++中一樣。(大部分原始的組件都是Tk中的Perl類的元素。)下面是一個簡單的解引用的例子:

  $x = { def => bar }; # $x是指向一個匿名hash的引用

  print $x->{def},"/n"; # 輸出``bar''


  my($top) = MainWindow->new;


  my($top) = new MainWindow;



  $top -> Widge-type;





  $query -> Button(-in,/$reply,-side,'left',-padx,2m,-pady,



  $query ->Button( -in => /$reply,

  -side => 'left',

  -padx => 2m,

  -pady => 2m,

  -ipadx => 2m,

  -ipady => 1m

  )->pack(-side => 'bottom');



  a.b.c; /* C語言中的 */

  a::b::c(); // C++ 中的函數

  $a::b::c; # Perl 5中的標量

  @a::b::c; # Perl 5中的列表

  %a::b::c; # Perl 5中的關聯數組(或叫hash)

  a::b::c; # Perl 5中的函數


  $main'foo; # Perl 4中的標量$foo

  $main::foo; # Perl 5中的標量$foo


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