
主頁 > 知識庫 > perl哈希的一個實例分析


熱門標(biāo)簽:Win7旗艦版 硅谷的囚徒呼叫中心 企業(yè)做大做強(qiáng) 百度AI接口 客戶服務(wù) 語音系統(tǒng) 電話運(yùn)營中心 呼叫中心市場需求

復(fù)制代碼 代碼如下:

use strict; 
use warnings; 

my %movies; 
my $film; 
my %reverse_result; 
my $director; 
my @data; 

%movies = 

  'The Shining'       => 'Kubrick', 
  'Ten Commandments'  => 'DeMille', 
  'Goonies'           => 'Spielberg', 

print $movies{'The Shining'}; 

foreach $film(keys %movies) 

   print "$film was directed by $movies{$film}.\n"; 

print "\n"; 

%reverse_result=reverse %movies; 
foreach $director(keys %reverse_result) 

   print "$director directe the $reverse_result{$director}.\n";  

print "\n";

 print "@data\n"; 


foreach $director(keys %reverse_result) 

  print "$director directe the $reverse_result{$director}.\n";  
print "The result is not change\n";

    KubrickGoonies was directed by Spielberg. 
    The Shining was directed by Kubrick. 
    Ten Commandments was directed by DeMille. 

    DeMille directe the Ten Commandments. 
    Spielberg directe the Goonies. 
    Kubrick directe the The Shining. 

    Goonies Spielberg The Shining Kubrick Ten Commandments DeMille 

    DeMille directe the Ten Commandments. 
    Spielberg directe the Goonies. 
    Kubrick directe the The Shining. 


if(exists $hash{keyval}) 

delete hash {keyval};


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