
主頁 > 知識庫 > 安裝windows server系統(tǒng)提示“無法在此驅(qū)動器上安裝windows”的解決辦法

安裝windows server系統(tǒng)提示“無法在此驅(qū)動器上安裝windows”的解決辦法

熱門標(biāo)簽:萬科 電銷機器人 科大訊飛語音識別系統(tǒng) 電銷機器人源碼 鐵路電話系統(tǒng) 硅谷的囚徒呼叫中心 呼叫中心案例 電話機器人搭建


1,安裝windows server 2008r2/2012r2時提示:無法在此驅(qū)動器上安裝windows。


diskpart (啟動diskpart程序)
list disk (列出現(xiàn)有的磁盤,一般合并后為一個disk0)
select disk 0(這里根據(jù)實際情況選擇你要清除殘留信息的磁盤)
clean (清除所選磁盤殘留信息,注意所有的數(shù)據(jù)也將丟失)








Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.7601
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: XXXYYY
Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.7601/p> p>ACTIVE - Mark the selected partition as active.
ADD - Add a mirror to a simple volume.
ASSIGN - Assign a drive letter or mount point to the selected volume.
ATTRIBUTES - Manipulate volume or disk attributes.
ATTACH - Attaches a virtual disk file.
AUTOMOUNT - Enable and disable automatic mounting of basic volumes.
BREAK - Break a mirror set.
CLEAN - Clear the configuration information, or all information, off the
COMPACT - Attempts to reduce the physical size of the file.
CONVERT - Convert between different disk formats.
CREATE - Create a volume, partition or virtual disk.
DELETE - Delete an object.
DETAIL - Provide details about an object.
DETACH - Detaches a virtual disk file.
EXIT - Exit DiskPart.
EXTEND - Extend a volume.
EXPAND - Expands the maximum size available on a virtual disk.
FILESYSTEMS - Display current and supported file systems on the volume.
FORMAT - Format the volume or partition.
GPT - Assign attributes to the selected GPT partition.
HELP - Display a list of commands.
IMPORT - Import a disk group.
INACTIVE - Mark the selected partition as inactive.
LIST - Display a list of objects.
MERGE - Merges a child disk with its parents.
ONLINE - Online an object that is currently marked as offline.
OFFLINE - Offline an object that is currently marked as online.
RECOVER - Refreshes the state of all disks in the selected pack.
Attempts recovery on disks in the invalid pack, and
resynchronizes mirrored volumes and RAID5 volumes
that have stale plex or parity data.
REM - Does nothing. This is used to comment scripts.
REMOVE - Remove a drive letter or mount point assignment.
REPAIR - Repair a RAID-5 volume with a failed member.
RESCAN - Rescan the computer looking for disks and volumes.
RETAIN - Place a retained partition under a simple volume.
SAN - Display or set the SAN policy for the currently booted OS.
SELECT - Shift the focus to an object.
SETID - Change the partition type.
SHRINK - Reduce the size of the selected volume.
UNIQUEID - Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or
master boot record (MBR) signature of a disk./p> p>DISKPART>

標(biāo)簽:南通 黔東 新余 株洲 黃石 六安 呼和浩特 天門

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