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By Al Ries. Published on June 09,2017

艾·里斯,于 2017 年 6 月 9 日。


杰克·特勞特先生前合伙人——艾·里斯先生近日在《廣告時代》 (Advertising Age )頒發(fā)文章,回顧二人過去將近 30 年共事的時光,并重申定位原則。



With the passing of my ex-partner and good friend Jack Trout, I feel compelled to write a few words about our nearly 30 years of working together.


In love, opposites attract. In business, opposites work well together. Jack and I were opposites.


Jack was Mr. Outside; I was Mr. Inside. Jack was an extrovert, talkative and very social; I am an introvert. Jack was athletic; I am not. You name it, we were opposites.


When Jack joined my ad agency in 1967, advertising was widely considered to be "communications."

當(dāng)杰克 1967 年加入我的廣告公司時,廣告在業(yè)內(nèi)還遍及被視作“溝通工具”。

You studied your product, its features and its competitors and then you prepared advertising that explained why your product was better.


In spite of billions of advertising dollars spent every year, perceptions about leading brands as well as their market shares seldom changed. All that advertising was not doing very much communicating.


That insight led to the positioning concept. Instead of focusing on the product and its competitors, we focused on the mind of the prospect. And in the process, we developed the principles of positioning.


(1) The concept of categories.


With a billion neurons and some 2.3-trillion connections, the human mind is a massive mental storage container. From a marketing point of view, however, the most-important aspect of the mind is the concept of categories.

人類大腦是一個龐大的儲藏箱,由 10 億個神經(jīng)元和2. 3 萬億個連接組成。然而,從營銷的角度看,心智中最重要的是品類的概念。

Consumers use categories to store brands that interest them. When consumers want to buy something, they think category first, brand second.


Nobody walks into a store and says: I want to buy a Sony. Please show me all the Sonies you have for sale.


(2) For every category, there is a ladder in the mind.


On the rungs of the ladder are brand names, with the preferred brand at the top of the ladder and the rest of the brands in descending order.


Most consumers have room in their minds for only a few brands in each category. Many categories have just two brands. Duracell and Energizer in appliance batteries.Crest and Colgate in toothpaste.


Seldom do consumers consider their top two brands as equals. Invariably, consumers prefer one brand over the other, although the second brand is often "acceptable."


(3) The name is the hook that hangs the brand on the ladder.


The most important marketing decision you can make is what to name the product. That's what we said in our 1981 book "Positioning."

你能做的最重要的營銷決策就是給產(chǎn)品命名。這是我們在 1981 年出版的《定位》中所說的。

The leading vodka brand in Russia is Kremlyovskaya. So the owners of the brand introduced Kremlyovskaya in the American market with the slogan, The No.1 vodka brand in Russia.


Naturally, the brand went nowhere. How can an English-speaking person file that name in the vodka category in the mind?


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