
主頁 > 知識庫 > 【視頻】AMI海外事業(yè)部董事藤田2019新年致辭


熱門標簽:電銷機器人 蘋果 鐵路電話系統(tǒng) Linux服務(wù)器 解決方案 Win7旗艦版 科大訊飛語音識別系統(tǒng) 阿里云
Happy Chinese New Year. I hope this year will be a fruitful year for you all. My name is Fujita, Director of Overseas division.
  新年快樂!希望大家今年也能夠收獲滿滿!我是藤田,Advanced Media海外事業(yè)部董事。
Advanced Media, also known as AMI, was established 1997. In Japan, for the latest four consecutive years, we were the No.1 in sales of speech recognition solutions. We are the top speech recognition company.
  Advanced Media設(shè)立于1997年,簡稱為AMI, 我們過去四年蟬聯(lián)市場占有率第一,是日本唯一一家專門致力于語音識別技術(shù)和服務(wù)的上市公司。
We have provided speech recognition solutions in many fields, including medical, mobile, Call centers, education, entertainment, and logistics and so on. Also, our AmiVoice speech recognition technology is the most cutting edge in the world. Thanks to you, the total numbers of our customers exceeded more than 5,000 in total.
In 2014, we have entered the Chinese market. We currently mainly provide speech solutions for call centers. Our products are well known such as AmiVoice Communication Suite, AmiVoice MediaScriber, AmiVoice AI IVR. Today in China and Taiwan, more than 20 customers use our products in finance, insurance, telecommunication, and manufacturing domain.
  2014年,AMI進軍大中華市場,我們目前主要面向呼叫中心提供各類語音識別解決方案。AMI呼叫中心解決方案產(chǎn)品主要有AmiVoice Communication Suite, AmiVoice MediaScriber, AmiVoice AI IVR等。目前,AMI在中國大陸以及臺灣,成功服務(wù)涵蓋金融,保險,電信,制造等行業(yè)的超過20家客戶。 
Thank you for the support last year. We will strive to provide high quality products and  services. And we will contribute to improving the work efficiency and quality of our customers. We are looking forward to the day we can work with you.


標簽:辛集 湘西 湖州 呼倫貝爾 畢節(jié) 邵陽 安陽 三門峽

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