
主頁 > 知識庫 > [英文]SugarCRM和HubSpot整合接聽電話營銷方案


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Integration enables organizations to cost-effectively create and optimize a complete inbound closed-loop marketing program
SugarCRM, the world’s fastest growing customer relationship management (CRM) company, and HubSpot, the leading provider of inbound marketing software, today announced a packaged integration between the two systems to provide a complete, closed-loop inbound marketing solution.
“The most successful companies understand the value of closed-loop marketing and the benefits of sales and marketing collaboration,” said HubSpot CEO and Co-Founder Brian Halligan. “HubSpot’s integration with SugarCRM provides the right tools for even more businesses to make smart marketing decisions that lead to more sales.”
As part of the integration, users of both SugarCRM and HubSpot will be able to more effectively generate leads, better manage lead-to-sales conversions, and leverage the lead intelligence and reporting tools in both products for complete, closed-loop marketing analysis. The integration between the two offerings enables:
  • Improved sales intelligence by automating the import of lead data from HubSpot to the SugarCRM Leads module.

  • Optimization of marketing activities by making it easy to identify the most effective sources of leads and sales in either system.
“It is becoming increasingly more difficult for businesses of all types to stand out in a crowded marketplace,” said Clint Oram, CTO and co-founder of SugarCRM. “With an intelligent, inbound marketing approach powered by tools like HubSpot and SugarCRM, companies can more effectively reach more prospects and better align their sales and marketing teams to execute more effectively and close more business.”
"The Epicom team has completed several successful integrations between HubSpot and SugarCRM,” said EpicomPresident Bill Harrison, a SugarCRM Gold partner. “Leveraging HubSpot's API with the flexibility of SugarCRM has allowed our customers to take advantage of an integrated system that increases lead generation, generates sophisticated tracking metrics, and is still easy to use. HubSpot is a great product, and we've recently begun using it internally to better measure our marketing efforts and to aid in campaign management, which will inevitably lead to a greater understanding of our own prospects and better lead conversion."
HubSpot and SugarCRM are offering a free 30-day evaluation of the combined solutions. Users can access their own free trial at: http://www.hubspot.com/partners/free-trial-30-day-sugar-crm-integration
The two companies will also be presenting a webinar on the value of leveraging HubSpot and SugarCRM for inbound marketing on February 16 at 1PM ET.


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