
主頁 > 知識庫 > [英文]印度呼叫中心投資于基礎設施和最新技術


熱門標簽:銀行客服 運營中心 科大訊飛語音識別系統(tǒng) 美團 電銷機器人源碼 電商新玩法 百度競價排名 電銷機器人

Bangalore, 1 November 2010 - After the Ohio government took back its services that it had outsourced to India and Obama's tax exemption for companies not outsourcing their services, Indian BPO and call center sector are striving to maintain their position in the call center industry by strengthening infrastructure and utilizing the latest technologies.
According to the survey conducted by IQPC, 65 percent of total investment in technologies in all centers is made in quality management software. Though legacy systems are still being used, there are constant upgrades and new technologies and services available such as cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS).
The research also showed that 72.2 percent of respondents mentioned that enhancing their customer experience is one of their top priorities and over 50 percent of respondents considered Telecommunication and Banking as the most important sectors in the area of captive call centers.


標簽:衢州 健身房 黃山 承德 九江 浙江 馬鞍山 常州

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