
主頁 > 知識庫 > [英文]Altitude uCI解決方案通過思科統(tǒng)一通信驗證

[英文]Altitude uCI解決方案通過思科統(tǒng)一通信驗證

熱門標簽:百度競價排名 電銷機器人源碼 美團 電銷機器人 電商新玩法 銀行客服 運營中心 科大訊飛語音識別系統(tǒng)
Altitude Software, a leading independent contact center solutions vendor, today announced that it’s Altitude uCI customer interaction management solution suite was certified compatible with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Altitude Software is a member of the Cisco Developer Network.
The Cisco Compatible certification signifies that Altitude Software’s solution has undergone interoperability testing by Altitude Software together with Cisco, based on testing criteria set by Cisco. It aims to ensure that participants’ solutions perform their functions when interoperating with Cisco solutions through prescribed interfaces. It also ensures joint customers receive joint product support.
“Interoperability, flexibility and independence of platform has been part of the core Altitude value proposal since we started operating back in 1993” states Miguel Lopes, Marketing and Product Development Vice President at Altitude Software. “More than 900 customers around the world operate Altitude solutions on a wide range of platforms and systems. We provide peace of mind and ensure simplicity in providing customers with powerful applications that protect their investments.”
Altitude Software is a long standing member of the Cisco Developer Network, conducting interoperability testing since 2002. The Altitude uCI contact centre suite now certified enables advanced contact centre applications to increase business results and operational performance in areas such as blended multimedia services, outbound campaigns, self-service voice applications and advanced agent desktop applications. The Altitude Software suite also allows organizations to use a powerful, highly scalable, customizable Altitude IP multimedia contact centre solution at a very competitive cost.


標簽:常州 黃山 健身房 衢州 浙江 九江 馬鞍山 承德

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