
主頁 > 知識庫 > asp常用函數(shù)集合,非常不錯以后研究第1/4頁


熱門標簽:Linux服務器 Mysql連接數(shù)設置 銀行業(yè)務 團購網(wǎng)站 服務器配置 阿里云 電子圍欄 科大訊飛語音識別系統(tǒng)
function loadtempletfile(byval path)
    on error resume next
    dim objstream
    set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
    with objstream
        .type = 2
        .mode = 3
        .loadfromfile server.mappath(path)
        if err.number > 0 then
             response.write("預加載的模板["  path  "]不存在!")
        end if
        .charset = ""  chrset  ""
        .position = 2
            loadtempletfile = .readtext
    end with
    set objstream = nothing
end function

function movefiles(sFolder,dFolder)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.folderexists(server.mappath(sFolder)) and fso.folderexists(server.mappath(dFolder)) then
        fso.copyfolder server.mappath(sFolder),server.mappath(dFolder)
        movefiles = true
        movefiles = false
        set fso = nothing
        call alertbox("系統(tǒng)沒有找到指定的路徑["  sFolder  "]!",2)
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function renamefolder(sFolder,dFolder)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.folderexists(server.mappath(sFolder)) then
        fso.movefolder server.mappath(sFolder),server.mappath(dFolder)
        renamefolder = true
        renamefolder = false
        set fso = nothing
        call alertbox("系統(tǒng)沒有找到指定的路徑["  sFolder  "]!",2)
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function checkfolder(sPATH)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.folderexists(server.mappath(sPATH)) then
        checkfolder = true
        checkfolder = false
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function checkfile(sPATH)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.fileexists(server.mappath(sPATH)) then
        checkfile = true
        checkfile = false
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function createdir(sPATH)
    dim fso,pathArr,i,path_Level,pathTmp,cPATH
    on error resume next
    sPATH = replace(sPATH,"\","/")
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        pathArr = split(sPATH,"/")
        path_Level = ubound(pathArr)
        for i = 0 to path_Level
            if i = 0 then pathTmp = pathArr(0)  "/" else pathTmp = pathTmppathArr(i)  "/"
            cPATH = left(pathTmp,len(pathTmp)-1)
            if not fso.folderexists(cPATH) then fso.createfolder(cPATH)
    set fso = nothing
    if err.number > 0 then
        createdir = false
        createdir = true
    end if
end function

function delclassfolder(sPATH)
    on error resume next
    dim fso
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if fso.folderexists(server.mappath(sPATH)) then
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function

function delnewsfile(sPATH,filename)
    on error resume next
    dim fso,tempArr,cPATH,ePATH,i:i = 0
    set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    sPATH = sPATH  filename  site_extname
    if fso.fileexists(server.mappath(sPATH)) then
        while(i > -1)
            i = i + 1
            ePATH = replace(sPATH,filename  ".",filename  "_"  i + 1  ".")
            if fso.fileexists(server.mappath(ePATH)) then
                i = -1
            end if
    end if
end function

class stringclass
    public function getstr(strhtml)
        dim PatrnStr
        dim objRegEx
        set objRegEx = new RegExp
            objRegEx.pattern = PatrnStr
            objRegEx.ignorecase = true
            objRegEx.global = true
        getstr = objRegEx.replace(strhtml,"")
        set objRegEx = nothing
    end function
    public function replacestr(patrn,mstr,replstr)
        dim objRegEx
        set objRegEx = new RegExp
            objRegEx.pattern = patrn
            objRegEx.ignorecase = true
            objRegEx.global = true
        replacestr = objRegEx.replace(mstr,replstr)
        set objRegEx = nothing
    end function
    public function classcustomtag(byval patrn,byval mstr,byval classid,byval indexid,byval pagestr)
        dim objRegEx,match,matches
        set objRegEx = new RegExp
            objRegEx.pattern = patrn
            objRegEx.ignorecase = true
            objRegEx.global = true
        set matches = objRegEx.execute(mstr)
        for each match in matches
            mstr = replace(mstr,match.value,parseclasstag(match.value,classid,indexid,pagestr))
        set matches = nothing
        set objRegEx = nothing
        classcustomtag = mstr
    end function
    public function newscustomtag(byval patrn,byval mstr,byval classid,byval newsid,byval keywords)
        dim objRegEx,match,matches
        set objRegEx = new RegExp
            objRegEx.pattern = patrn
            objRegEx.ignorecase = true
            objRegEx.global = true
        set matches = objRegEx.execute(mstr)
        for each match in matches
            mstr = replace(mstr,match.value,parsenewstag(match.value,classid,newsid,keywords))
        set matches = nothing
        set objRegEx = nothing
        newscustomtag = mstr
    end function
end class

function processcustomtag(byval scontent)
    dim objRegEx,match,matches
    set objRegEx = new RegExp
        objRegEx.pattern = "{ncms:[^>]+?\/}"
        objRegEx.ignorecase = true
        objRegEx.global = true
    set matches = objRegEx.execute(scontent)
    for each match in matches
        scontent = replace(scontent,match.value,parsetag(match.value))
    set matches = nothing
    set objRegEx = nothing
    processcustomtag = scontent
end function

function X_processcustomtag(byval scontent)
    dim objRegEx,match,matches
    set objRegEx = new RegExp
        objRegEx.pattern = "(\[ncms:).+?(\])(.|\n)+?(\[\/ncms\])"
        objRegEx.ignorecase = true
        objRegEx.global = true
    set matches = objRegEx.execute(scontent)
    for each match in matches
        scontent = replace(scontent,match.value,parsetag(match.value))
    set matches = nothing
    set objRegEx = nothing
    X_processcustomtag = scontent
end function

function getattribute(byval strattribute,byval strtag)
    dim objRegEx,matches
    set objRegEx = new RegExp
        objRegEx.pattern = lcase(strattribute)"=""[0-9a-zA-Z]*"""
        objRegEx.ignorecase = true
        objRegEx.global = true
    set matches = objRegEx.execute(strtag)
    if matches.count > 0 then
        getattribute = split(matches(0).value,"""")(1)
        getattribute = ""
    end if
    set matches = nothing
    set objRegEx = nothing
end function

function getinnerhtml(byval strhtml)
    dim objregex,matches,str
    set objregex = new regexp
    objregex.pattern = "(\])(.|\n)+?(\[\/ncms\])"
    objregex.ignorecase = true
    objregex.global = false
    set matches = objregex.execute(strhtml)
        if matches.count > 0 then
            str = trim(matches.item(0).value)
        end if
    set matches = nothing
    if len(str) > 8 then
        getinnerhtml = mid(str,2,len(str) - 8)
    end if
end function

function parsetag(byval strtag)
    dim arrresult,classname,arrattributes,objclass
    if len(strtag) = 0 then exit function
    arrresult = split(strtag,":")
    classname = split(arrresult(1)," ")(0)
    select case lcase(classname)
        case "news"
            set objclass = new ncmsnewstag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("id",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.id = getattribute("id",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                objclass.show = getattribute("show",strtag)
                if getattribute("lih",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("lih",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.lih = getattribute("lih",strtag)
                if getattribute("imgw",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("imgw",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.imgw = getattribute("imgw",strtag)
                if getattribute("imgh",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("imgh",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.imgh = getattribute("imgh",strtag)
                if getattribute("tgt",strtag) > "" and getattribute("tgt",strtag) > "blank" then
                    response.write("標簽[ncms:news]參數(shù)錯誤!參數(shù)[tgt]必須是[font color=""red"">blank/font>]!")
                end if
                objclass.tgt = getattribute("tgt",strtag)
                if getattribute("hit",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("hit",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.hit = getattribute("hit",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parsetag = objclass.newsshow(getattribute("ty",strtag),getattribute("col",strtag))
            set objclass = nothing
        case "free"
            set objclass = new X_ncmsnewstag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("id",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.id = getattribute("id",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                objclass.show = getattribute("show",strtag)
                if getattribute("lih",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("lih",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.lih = getattribute("lih",strtag)
                if getattribute("hit",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("hit",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.hit = getattribute("hit",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parsetag = objclass.newsshow(getattribute("ty",strtag),getattribute("col",strtag),getinnerhtml(strtag))
        case "menu"
            set objclass = new ncmsmenutag
                parsetag = objclass.menushow(getattribute("show",strtag))
            set objclass = nothing
        case "info"
            set objclass = new ncmsinfotag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                parsetag = objclass.infoshow()
            set objclass = nothing
        case "head"
            set objclass = new ncmsheadtag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                elseif getattribute("num",strtag) > 6 then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                if getattribute("imgw",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("imgw",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.imgw = getattribute("imgw",strtag)
                if getattribute("imgh",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("imgh",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.imgh = getattribute("imgh",strtag)
                if getattribute("size",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("size",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.size = getattribute("size",strtag)
                parsetag = objclass.headshow(getattribute("ty",strtag))
            set objclass = nothing
        case "link"
            set objclass = new ncmslinktag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parsetag = objclass.linkshow(getattribute("ty",strtag),getattribute("col",strtag))
            set objclass = nothing
        case else
    end select
end function

function parseclasstag(byval strtag,byval classid,byval indexid,byval pagestr)
    dim arrresult,classname,arrattributes,objclass
    if len(strtag) = 0 then exit function
    arrresult = split(strtag,":")
    classname = split(arrresult(1)," ")(0)
    select case lcase(classname)
        case "list"
            set objclass = new ncmsclasstag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                objclass.order = getattribute("order",strtag)
                if getattribute("lih",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("lih",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.lih = getattribute("lih",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parseclasstag = objclass.classshow(getattribute("ty",strtag),getattribute("col",strtag),classid,indexid,pagestr)
            set objclass = nothing
        case else
    end select
end function

function parsenewstag(byval strtag,byval classid,byval newsid,byval keywords)
    dim arrresult,classname,arrattributes,objclass
    if len(strtag) = 0 then exit function
    arrresult = split(strtag,":")
    classname = split(arrresult(1)," ")(0)
    select case lcase(classname)
        case "relate"
            set objclass = new ncmsrelatetag
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("num",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.num = getattribute("num",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("len",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.len = getattribute("len",strtag)
                if getattribute("lih",strtag) > "" and not isnumeric(getattribute("lih",strtag)) then
                end if
                objclass.lih = getattribute("lih",strtag)
                if not isnumeric(getattribute("col",strtag)) then
                end if
                parsenewstag = objclass.relateshow(getattribute("col",strtag),classid,newsid,keywords)
            set objclass = nothing
        case "page"
            set objclass = new ncmspagetag
                parsenewstag = objclass.pageshow(getattribute("show",strtag),classid,newsid)
            set objclass = nothing
        case else
    end select
end function

function getcurclasscount(classid)
    dim rs,curclasscount
    set rs = conn.execute("select count(*) from NCMS_news where classid in("  classid  allchildclass(classid)  ")")
    if instr(rs(0)/n_listnum,".") > 0 then
        curclasscount = fix(rs(0)/n_listnum) + 1
        curclasscount = rs(0)/n_listnum
    end if
    rs.close:set rs = nothing
    getcurclasscount = curclasscount
end function

class ncmsclasstag
    public ty,len,order,lih
    public function classshow(stype,scolumn,classid,indexid,pagestr)
        dim TempHTM,xsql,rs,sql,databox,l,obox
            TempHTM = ""  chr(10)  "table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"" border=""0"">"  chr(10)
            TempHTM = TempHTM  "tr>"  chr(10)
        if indexid = "" or indexid = 0 then
            indexid = 1
        end if
        select case stype
            case "text"
                set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
                if order = "desc" then
                    sql = "select classid,title,click,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in("  classid  allchildclass(classid)  ") and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc"
                elseif order = "asc" then
                    sql = "select classid,title,click,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in("  classid  allchildclass(classid)  ") and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id asc"
                end if
                rs.cursorlocation = 3
                rs.open sql,conn,1,3
                if rs.eof then
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = "li>font color=""red"">暫時沒有新聞!/font>/li>"
                    classshow = TempHTM
                    exit function
                end if
                rs.pagesize = n_listnum
                rs.absolutepage = indexid
                for l = 1 to rs.pagesize
                    if rs.eof then exit for
                    TempHTM = TempHTM  "td height="""  lih  """ align=""left"" valign=""middle"">·a href="""  site_root  "/"  site_html  "/"  getclasspath(rs("classid"))  "/"  rs("filename")  site_extname  """ title="""  rs("title")  """>"  gottopic(rs("title"),len)  "/a>/td>"  chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM  "td height="""  lih  """ align=""center"" valign=""middle"">"  rs("click")  "/td>"  chr(10)
                    TempHTM = TempHTM  "td height="""  lih  """ align=""center"" valign=""middle"">"  rs("addtime")  "/td>"  chr(10)
                    if l = rs.pagesize then
                        TempHTM = TempHTM  "/tr>"  chr(10)
                        if cint(l mod scolumn) = 0 then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM  "/tr>"  chr(10)
                            TempHTM = TempHTM  "tr>"  chr(10)
                        end if
                    end if
                rs.close:set rs = nothing
                TempHTM = TempHTM  "/table>"  chr(10)
                classshow = TempHTM  pagestr
            case "image"
                if IsObjInstalled("persits.jpeg") = true and jpeg_gate = 0 then
                    set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
                    if order = "desc" then
                        sql = "select classid,title,bimg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in("  classid  allchildclass(classid)  ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc"
                    elseif order = "asc" then
                        sql = "select classid,title,bimg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in("  classid  allchildclass(classid)  ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id asc"
                    end if
                    rs.cursorlocation = 3
                    rs.open sql,conn,1,3
                    if rs.eof then
                        rs.close:set rs = nothing
                        TempHTM = "li>font color=""red"">暫時沒有新聞!/font>/li>"
                        classshow = TempHTM
                        exit function
                    end if
                    rs.pagesize = n_listnum
                    rs.absolutepage = indexid
                    for l = 1 to rs.pagesize
                        if rs.eof then exit for
                        TempHTM = TempHTM  "td>div id=""simg"">a href="""  site_root  "/"  site_html  "/"  getclasspath(rs("classid"))  "/"  rs("filename")  site_extname  """>img height="""  jpeg_height  """ src="""  site_root  "/"  site_upload  "/"  site_simg  "/"  rs("bimg")  """ width="""  jpeg_width  """ alt="""  rs("title")  """ />/a>/div>/td>"  chr(10)
                        if l = rs.pagesize then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM  "/tr>"  chr(10)
                            if cint(l mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM  "/tr>"  chr(10)
                                TempHTM = TempHTM  "tr>"  chr(10)
                            end if
                        end if
                        if checkfile(""  site_root  "/"  site_upload  "/"  site_bimg  "/"  rs("bimg")  "") = true then
                            set obox = server.createobject("persits.jpeg")
                                obox.open server.mappath(""  site_root  "/"  site_upload  "/"  site_bimg  "/"  rs("bimg")  "")
                                obox.width = jpeg_width
                                obox.height = jpeg_height
                                obox.save server.mappath(""  site_root  "/"  site_upload  "/"  site_simg  "/"  rs("bimg")  "")
                            set obox = nothing
                        end if
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = TempHTM  "/table>"  chr(10)
                    classshow = TempHTM  pagestr
                    set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
                    if order = "desc" then
                        sql = "select classid,title,bimg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in("  classid  allchildclass(classid)  ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id desc"
                    elseif order = "asc" then
                        sql = "select classid,title,bimg,filename,addtime from NCMS_news where classid in("  classid  allchildclass(classid)  ") and isimg=1 and created=1 and pagetype=0 order by id asc"
                    end if
                    rs.cursorlocation = 3
                    rs.open sql,conn,1,3
                    if rs.eof then
                        rs.close:set rs = nothing
                        TempHTM = "li>font color=""red"">暫時沒有新聞!/font>/li>"
                        classshow = TempHTM
                        exit function
                    end if
                    rs.pagesize = n_listnum
                    rs.absolutepage = indexid
                    for l = 1 to rs.pagesize
                        if rs.eof then exit for
                        TempHTM = TempHTM  "td>div id=""simg"">a href="""  site_root  "/"  site_html  "/"  getclasspath(rs("classid"))  "/"  rs("filename")  site_extname  """>img height="""  jpeg_height  """ src="""  site_root  "/"  site_upload  "/"  site_bimg  "/"  rs("bimg")  """ width="""  jpeg_width  """ alt="""  rs("title")  """ />/a>/div>/td>"  chr(10)
                        if l = rs.pagesize then
                            TempHTM = TempHTM  "/tr>"  chr(10)
                            if cint(l mod scolumn) = 0 then
                                TempHTM = TempHTM  "/tr>"  chr(10)
                                TempHTM = TempHTM  "tr>"  chr(10)
                            end if
                        end if
                    rs.close:set rs = nothing
                    TempHTM = TempHTM  "/table>"  chr(10)
                    classshow = TempHTM  pagestr
                end if
            case else
        end select
    end function
end class

標簽:衢州 萍鄉(xiāng) 大理 棗莊 廣元 蚌埠 衡水 江蘇

巨人網(wǎng)絡通訊聲明:本文標題《asp常用函數(shù)集合,非常不錯以后研究第1/4頁》,本文關鍵詞  ;如發(fā)現(xiàn)本文內(nèi)容存在版權問題,煩請?zhí)峁┫嚓P信息告之我們,我們將及時溝通與處理。本站內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)采集于網(wǎng)絡,涉及言論、版權與本站無關。
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